like a red flag, except it's a sign the person is not straight.
Dude, those shoes are a total rainbow flag.
to be claimed "not available" for dating-but not in an official relationship.
Joe: "Wanna' get a some dinner and a movie on Friday?"
Jill: "Not on a date- I Have a Flag."
The act of flagging all of a YouTuber's uploaded content due to heavy disliking or clickbait (misleading content).
I decided to mass flag all of Riot's videos cause he did something against the law!
A popular pastime among teenagers in Copenhagen, which involves decorating dog turd with little paper danish flags.
I'm all out of booze, wanna go poo flagging instead?
1. Commonly referred as the confederate flag but the battle flag is the flag use for battle not to confuse with the confederate government flag the battle flag was actually rejected but the military needed a flag to use bc the other flag before was too confused with the union's flag
2. A flag used in battle
3. Most commonly used as a symbol of southern pride but other say it is hatred and slavery
Why are you flying the confederate flag
That's not the confederate flag that is the confederate battle flag
Community censorship. A coordinated effort to report an online comment, story or opinion enough times to trigger the host's automated process to remove offensive content.
Her political opponents couldn't debate her on the issues, so they began an organized flag flooding campaign against her Twitter account.
When a mobile application has one remaining notification that doesn’t go away
I wanted to see that I’m up to date on LinkedIn but there’s always a dead flag there that I can’t get rid of!