Source Code

Wonder Flame

When you light a girls vagina on fire.

“Oh shit, Veronica your wonder flame has ignited!”

by llamaluvr98 July 2, 2019

Finna flame

slang for when you are about to insult some one

boi im finna flame

by the guy in the 11th dimension October 23, 2017

Flame Whore

A troll for hire. One of the higher-up troll's butt boys. Services also include hand, foot, and blowjobs, as well as lap rides. Finishing inside is $10 extra

A: Do you really think John means that?
B: Nahh, he's gettin' 10 bucks a comment. He's just being a flame whore

by AntimatterKING August 16, 2009

flaming wicker

The act of receiving a blowjob while sitting on a wicker chair that's on fire

Dude I'm so cold I could so go for a flaming wicker

That chick looks like she would give the best flaming wicker

by Master_baits_6969 April 2, 2017

flaming mimi

When you take a match out of a pack, you put the head of the match on the ignitor paper then with your pointer finger on the head you simutaniously light the head and flick the burning match at someone, usually a friend that just did something stupid.

Dont be an idiot jim or i will light your ass up with this flaming mimi.

by kaspergbc November 16, 2007

Flaming Babies

A shot of cum with hot sauce

"That whore up the street loves flaming babies"

by Sir Blumpkin June 3, 2014

Flaming Quesadilla

When a woman's vagina is flaming, and resembles a cooking quesadilla. This is also when a Mexican consumes a quesadilla on fire, it usually results in death and ejaculation.

DAMN! I had this STD, and it gave me a flaming quesadilla!

Mexican: So how'd your brother die??
Other Mexican: He ate a flaming quesadilla, jizzed and died.

by proudyellowman March 12, 2011