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glowing flying squirrel

When a man is down on a woman and he breaks a glowstick in her clit and sticks his dick in and preforms helicopter causing all the glowing ink to fly everywhere spastic such as a squirrel

"Man when I was with Ashley the other night I gave her the glowing flying squirrel better than Dave!"

by TheShitFacedCockMaster February 22, 2015

Glow up snob

A person who has a glow up (transformation or massive improvement to outward appearance, usually by learning how to dress or do makeup/hair) and suddenly thinks they are better than everyone else, even people they were friends with. This attitude can last from a short period as they become used to their newfound beauty to YEARS after their transformation. Due to this abrupt change in attitude and personality, the person usually cuts off the friends they now consider lower than them and seeks out connections with people they judge to be on or only slightly below their new, elevated level.

Not specific to gender, but much more common in girls/women. Can occur at any age, however it is most common in teens to early twenties, as changes in puberty can play a major role.

Also note: if the transformation is from "normal" or mainstream to a more vintage style, the glow up snob can also become a vintage bitch.

Person A: "Awww look at this picture! Joy was so little and cute back then!"
Person B: "Back then, sure. Too bad she grew up to be a glow up snob. She's just a jerk now."

by Venandi Daemonium January 25, 2022

Cuddy Glow

The glow that comes from a man who just got sum cuddy or the glow from a woman who just got her some penis!

CUDDY GLOW IS The happy excited emotions a man and or a woman displays after her or she just had sex

by Syko_diva April 7, 2009

glow box

When a woman opens her legs and her vagina is a bright hue that it appears to glow.

She said "come dive in my glow box," so I said "yes ma'am!"

by KingJDH099 June 5, 2017

manly glow

manly glow: when a typically peaceful woman has a particularly bad day resulting in an appropriately sized strap on which she uses promptly after punching her husband immediately after she walks in the door square in the jaw as hard as she can, and the man laughs at her the morning after.

manly glow

by Zachary Van. Zarr December 31, 2015