A seasonal affliction most common in the fall. Primarily occurs in communities where Marijuana is produced. Symptoms include a chronic and persistant cough, accompanied by wheezing.
Dude, Chris has hella got the harvest hack. . .
Tricking a mIRC user into doing something like this by use of a script or bot
QUIT :lolhacked
<Xero> !wud hacking mIRC
<Dr_Watson> Tricking a mIRC user into doing something like this by use of a script or bot
<Dr_Watson> LOL HACKED
Dr_Watson has quit IRC (lolhacked)
A worker drone in a big ass corporation who strives for mediocrity, is threatened by critical thinking and always takes the easy or safe way out instead of what pushes forward. Is inauthentic and willing to jump aboard the latest fad for brownie points from their superiors or to push along a popular agenda even if they haven't really thought it through or actually care. A pencil pusher. A workplace politics rat. Will throw others under the bus to save their own skin or to cover up their own fuckups.
" Tony's up to his fuckery again. Started wearing some new badge about that thing after HR sent that 'we stand for so-and-so' email. Yesterday he was making jokes about it when he handed the report in late and blamed everyone except himself for it. He's such a corporate hack, I wanna punch his face and smack that slimy grin off" grimaced Arsene.
"Ah crap, Tony's coming this way.. and he's... handing badges out? Kill me now" Mark groaned.
"Guy creeps me out, but management seems to like him, so what do I know?" Sherry remarked.
someone who uses biohacking to advance their body or mind and reduce biological ageing.
did you see the biological age of that man; he's super hacked
amount to which an object has been modified beyond intended use
the gamecube will never match the xbox in hacked-ness
A physical product or electro-mechanical control system, usually made by an engineering person, or DIY addict, that involves hacking 1 or more official branded products, and slapping them together to create a new, mostly working product. The system or product can range from basic controls to complex monitoring systems, and can be a mix of software, circuits and 3D printed parts. Sometimes can be open source and available on Github.
Person 1: Did you see that Hack and Slap respiratory system on YouTube? It's just a bunch of drone parts running on a Arduino!
Person 2: Yeah that Hack n Slap shit barely works and is a long way from being FDA approved!
Person 3: True, but Hack Slaps are the very meaning of innovation and require no official approval for it's wacky existence.