Charles: Amazon is a hypocrite
Mabel; nah, they give bananas away for free
someone who doesn't practice what they preach
Person1: dude look at Kyle... He keeps telling people to stop smoking because it's so bad for you but he's literally smoking right now
Person2: Wow. What a hypocrite
Some one who tells people not to do things and then does these things themselves
Anna: *dumps Ovie and Kisses Jordan*
The UK: Anna is such a hypocrite, you can’t get mad at Danny and Micheal and then Do ThE SaMe BlOoDy ThInG
a hypocrite is someone who preaches one thing but in reality he practices it also.
Keandre: Yeah i use this page to stalk my girl.
Erica:... wait *remembers that time when Keandre cussed out someone for stalking his page* Youre a hypocrite
Hypocrite: someone who preaches one thing but in reality he practices it also.
Most of society. 99.9% of people act as though certain things are "wrong" yet in all reality, they are just as bad as the people they attempt to judge. This is especially true with religious people, who almost always talk about morals and lessons, yet break the laws they claim to live by. Expect them to insult others that break these rules. These people are much worse than how they usually see themselves. In their minds, they are "good". Basically, a hypocrite likes to judge others, but should look in the mirror and see what an asshole he/she really is. It's better to be an honest person rather than a hypocrite!
Person A: This is so stupid! You're so lame, man. Stfu.
Person B: ?
Person A (Later on): I hate people that are jerks.
Person A: Only god can judge people.
Person A (Later on): Dude, you are such an ass, you're going to hell.
Person B: Why don't you shut up, you jerk? You're a hypocrite.