Tom wanted to whack the jack before his parents arrived home.
to participate in sex.
Did you and Cindy whack-a-badge last night?
When a black male whips a white male or female on the back with his dong.
Get ready cause I'm gonna cracker whack that back!!
The worst day of the year, scientifically worse than any other Monday. Whack Monday is the first full Monday back to work after Christmas/NYE.
Bro, you going gym later?
Na man, it’s Whack Monday, let’s go tomorrow.
1 - adj. to be extremely whack, able to negatively effect all others he/she may meet with their "whackness"
2 - radiating with lameness beyond all belief
3 - a level of uncoolness that would disassociate you from those you believe to be your friends
This Hansen concert would be dripping with whack juice
You have just spike the punch bowl of life with you abundance of whack juice
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People who rap about shit that makes no sense. AKA, a doo doo stain rapper. Some examples include (but are not limited to)
•50 Cent
•P Diddy
What the fuck did he say? What whack rappers.
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