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Ofter a person in an online internet game who kills their own team mates for the "lolz". In other terms they may do so because they find their team mate inadequate at gaming, in which case they will team kill nubbies.

"Why are you killing your whole team?"
"Just for the lolz."
"WOW you're such a TEAM KILLER"


"I Team Kill Nubs"
"Dude we're only on easy."
"Bounce back to nub land.:
"Don'te be such a TEAM KILLER come on!"

by Juzzy April 4, 2009

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Killer Body

This is reserved strictly for females.

Used to express wonderment, amazement, desire and a thank-you to God when made in referrence to a woman. There is no perfect scale, set of rules or guidelines for a killer body. This term's credibility depends upon the credibility of the man using it.

"Oh fuck, she's got a killer body, FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP FAP!!!"

by TittayMastar June 5, 2003

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child killers

People who kills childrens.

Man they're psychos.

by sommers September 24, 2004

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Gaijin Killer

The japanese alcoholic difference ''strong zero'' is known as the Gaijin Killer. due to being 8/9%, 350-500ml and very sweet people drink it at insane speeds despite it being 3 to 4 beers worth of alcohol. Coupled with high carbonation many westerners will try to drink 3 to 5 at a sitting and will black out that night.

It's colloquially known as the Gaijin Killer- Joey Bizinger(the Anime man)

by @mrkulci October 16, 2020

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Vibe killer

(noun) A person who intentionally kills your "game" or prevents others from having fun.

Kyle is a vibe killer, lets not invite him out with us.

by tee25* December 12, 2010

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joke killer

A person who puts an end to a funny joke, or line of jokes.

When someone tries to be funny but instead stops everyone else from laughing.

Elmo(Hypebeast) from excentrixgamingis a joke killer.

We are on Ventrilo telling jokes and laughing at stupid shit and elmo will come out of nowhere and kill the joke.

Elmo gets paid $2.15 an hour to kill jokes.

Albeezy "Id have to be hella high to laugh at one of Elmo's jokes, stupid nigga kills everything."

by AnthonyGG October 6, 2006

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Blood Killer

a term some crips uses to identify themself as, because of the well known crips vs bloods war
it's often shortened down to just bk and might be used in alternative ways to spell some words

Blood Killer in a sentence: yo man, that nigga from the bKlocc bKilled some bKitch ass punks!

by iTeeheeman July 27, 2009

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