Someone that never lies and is against lying
John: You're a liar.
Bob: What I am not a liar, I'm an anti-liar
An old-fashioned harp that "plays a different tune", similar to the proverbial trumpet.
Why do you say, "Liar lyre" to me? I am an honest minstrel --- trust me.
insult used by winners
!can only be said in italian accent!
her : u don’t care about me
him : yes well now i don’t give a fuck about u
her : why r u doing this
him : because you are a liar actress go tf out
A person that has developed the skill of lying without hesitation. This is helpful when trying to get out of trouble.
Oh damn, that kid is a skillful liar! He got out of trouble easily!
A person who if their mouth is moving, they are lying.
Someone who lies with their mouth.
He was being a liar mouth.
Where you have lied so much that the person you lied to sets your dick on fire.
If you dont have a dick, you will gain one and it will be put on fire.
David was a Liar, liar, dick on fire
It comes from changing the word in a song from “Lady Bump” to “Liar Bump”, it means the word “liar” can walk outside from English dictionary and dance…dance…dance…in every ways ,finally, it’s called “Liar Bump”. This word is for a lady who likes to tell a lie in everyday life. She doesn’t have respect for herself.
e.g. She is total Liar Bump from dictionary.