Can be known to have a foot fetish on both men and women, is usually a rapist, but likes looking at pimples up close, shits his pants often and is verrrrrrrry stinky.
oh no lukas shat his pants again
lukas you stink
stop looking at my pimples
why do you keep trying to lick my toes
She is amazing but very lazy
Cries to sleep but is a total baddie in public
Has fuck me eyes and is sexy shmexy
Luka, I love you.
Me to myself -
Funny yet annoying, loveable yet dickwad
He is typically eating on the floor, and always up to argue. Go forbid you tell.him no bc hands going in the air
You saw Lukas?
Yeah he just free fell off that couch!
Lukas is a tiny penis man who is annoying
Lukas u have a tiny penis pass off