Sadly, memes require deep thot to the brain to make and make the relate. Sadly, they are good. Sadly, make me laugh much. Sadly also, give me your shit.
They are in forms of pictures and words or words with pictures with words or videos with words or videos with words with words on top or dialogue that make laughable good laugh content. The types of memes that are not funny are the IGHT IMMA HEAD OUT Spongebob meme.
It suck big asshole.
Crush: Holy shit I didn’t even flush the toilet and my poop is gone!
Me thirty minutes before: Can we get some salt with this?
Friend after the sleepover: Why is my butthole so sore?
Me: I dunno— i mean I dunno give me— I dunno don’t even ask me— stop.
All examples of memes.
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You just got rick rolled.
^wont let me post without this
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a religion lel pls accept this
memes r life!!!!!!!!!!!!! lelelelelel
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the meaning of life its self,
person1:"what is the meaning of life?"
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memes are life, life is memes
the only way to cure depression is with a daily dose of memes
memes are anti-depressants
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Memes are internet jokes which are usually made by weebs.
"Yo I made this cool meme check it out!"
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The 119th element that keeps us all alive. Without it, we would all crumble and die.
guy: Hey I invented a thing that removes all the memes out of the air to see what it does.
other guy: wait NO DON'T DO THIS YOU'LL REGRET IT!
guy: Ok, 3
other guy: NO!
guy: 2
other guy: WAIT STOP
guy: 1!
everyone: *dies*
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