Something fresh and Mexican or possibly Mexican American, could also refer to dope, and is sometimes used like the slang word "dope", (Its also a fashion blog, feat Mexican style).
Example: "-Check out that flyer with that dude wearing a crazy mexican wrestler mask! -Yeah man, thats mexican mint, bro!".
A collection of 3 or more assorted mints and/or mint gums in a small, clear ziploc bag with no writing on it. Mainly used for standardized tests, such as AICE exams.
Friend 1: Yo, I heard that mints can help you concentrate during tests.
Friend 2: Yeah, but the test doesn't allow opaque containers or stuff with writing on it.
Friend 1: Damn, guess I can't bring my Altoids.
Friend 3: Not to worry, I've got some mint packs.
Friend 2: Thanks bro, you're a lifesaver.
1. n. A breath freshener for less-than-fresh vaginas.
2. adj. A person who is like a cunt mint. (See also: douche, loser, fake bitch.)
Becky pretends to be nice, but she's a needy bitch. It's all an act. She's like a cunt mint!
Really meaning it’s completely fucked but you can’t accept that it’s a pile of shit.
That snowmobile is a mint unit since you crashed into the trees
Dazza: "Yo check out these thin mints i found on the ground"
Some rando: "Bro those are my thin mints ya spastic"
The lonely leftover Altoid or Lifesaver you find in your pocket, between the small coins and the not-yet-quite-used Kleenex.
"Do you have a gum for me?" - "Sorry, no... but I can offer you a lint mint!"