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squeeze the moose

Related to moose knuckle. When her pants are so tight that the outline of her lips are visible - taking on the appearance of a moose knuckle.
To squeeze the moose, her gentleman grabs her by the "knuckle" and squeezes the lips together, with her clitoris in the middle. The result is typically an orgasm.

He likes to squeeze the moose when we're in public moose knuckle camel toe

by GushingForth May 5, 2015

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

bull moose

A drinking game. Those who are initiated into the bull moose club have to only drink with their left hands. If you are caught with a drink in your right hand, and someone who is also initiated into the bull moose club yells "BULL MOOSE" you are required to down the rest of your beverage.

To be initiated into the club, a bull moose member must fill you in on the rules above, and then you have to chug a beer to pay your respective "dues."

Two guys are at a kegger. Both have been in the bull moose club for years. One of them forgets and holds his drink in his right hand. Other guy says "bull moose bitch!". "Fuck now i have to finish the rest of my beer." the other responds.

by B. Crouse August 15, 2006

386๐Ÿ‘ 198๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moose Head

Same action as road head, but instead of the driver getting pleasured their co-pilot, or passenger, gets to receive some scrumptious head from the backseat slut.

While Shane was driving to the river, Kiki leaned over and gave Spencer some moose head.

by BearClaw91 August 12, 2009

33๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bed moose

Canadian version of bed bugs.

Generally not a good idea to use around people who are not aware of its meaning, as we all know nothing is as funny if you have to explain it.

Mother: Good night, Stephen, don't let the bed moose bite.

by M_J_Forster March 21, 2007

22๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moose Missile

Long light brown poo that comes out very quickly and easily.

After that buffet I am going to need to fire off a moose missile.

by Bobby DanishII November 8, 2009

7๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Moose Milker

A person from Maine who gives moose a handjob until the point of ejaculation; slang term for anyone that looks like they bang their first cousin and is missing teeth.

That guy in the lumberjack shirt and dirty hat is a moose milker.

by Pipe55 March 13, 2010

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seal moose

a floppy dick that kind of looks like an elephant seal's nose and a moose's face combined. This particularly happens when a guys dick gets rejected by a girls clunge.

"Dude I just got seal moosed last night."

by Elephant seal February 10, 2017

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