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Nature Trail

The trail of feces left on a male gooch or a female vagina when wiping back-to-front. An alternate is front-to-back wipers, who leave a nature trail heading up their butt cracks.

When I have explosive dihharea, I usually am left with quite a nature trail to clean up.

by BiggC November 10, 2009

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Nature Butt

a weaboo on the internet who likes to start drama and can't take criticism on anything

Noob: This piece looks good, but you should probably lay off the dodge/burn tool next time. Also the lighting looks off.

Nature Butt: ZOMG! Don't you dare critique my art! I am super special awesome!

Noob: All I did was give you some simple advice. Don't be such a Nature Butt.

by Noob20 February 24, 2010

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nature of the twack

The retarded dysfunctional way people behave under the influence of crystal meth. This includes making numerous stupid decisions, inability to be able to prioritize anything important, hundreds of assonine projects that will never not only never get finished, but most certainly should never have even been started! All these projects are a stupid waste of time and counteractive to any kind of productivity. Diving in dumpsters, bringing stuff into the house, trying to organize stuff inside the house, then bringing stuff out of the house, while still backed up on deciding the purpose of stuff all ready in the house from previous nights that has now lost it's inital thrill and mad crazy possibilities. This is assuming if the person even has a house! Endless hours of porn watching, poopsterbating, cheating on their significant others, stealing and hours spent plotting up ridiculous schemes to defy the "man" and some how get around the system.

I did not mean to talk shit on you, throw you under the bus and steal your belongings and have sex with your girlfriend. It was not me, it was the nature of the twack!

by annoyedbypeople April 26, 2014

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LA Natural

Death primarily by gunshot but conceivably any act of homicidal violence involving a young male of any ethnic or economic status that would make gang affiliation likely. The expression was based on the coroner's terminology for manner of death: Natural, Accidental, Suicide, Homicide, Unidentified, and originated when death by an act of violence became the leading cause of death among young males in the Los Angeles area, especially in poverty stricken areas. Death by accident or disease are, by far, more common in almost every statistical group, except that of combatants during war time, making it notable that a young male in these areas could expect to die a violent death (gun shot, stabbing, etc.) as a matter of course, as most anyone else would expect a "natural" death, thus an "LA Natural".

There are 12 new cases in the coroner's office this morning: three accidental, one suicide, four natural, one homicide, one unidentified and two "LA natural".

by NO'HC September 24, 2008

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natural immunity

When a person gets a virus their body builds up antibodies which fight off and kill the virus. The person then has natural immunity.

Its still unclear why the CDC and WHO is refusing to recognizing people who have natural immunity to the covid 19 virus. They still want people with natural immunity to get the death jab. History will show the blunders made during this pandemic.

by jimmybomm January 18, 2022

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Mother Nature

Another word for weed

โ€œOi fam that was some good Mother Nature u gotโ€

by Elizabeth Earle January 14, 2019

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natural log

natural log is logarithm to the base n. written as ln in mathematics, and prounced as lun in punjabi , which means DICK

take natural log = shove up my dick

by rococo.dictates August 19, 2011

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