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General: A nerd is a person that that is generally defined as a social outcast. Nerds are usually defined as, "one whose IQ is greater than their weight". However, nerds are not always smart. They may vary in different ways. Read below for a detailed definition.

Age range: Could be ages 5-100. most commonly ages 12-24.

Physical Traits of a common nerd: This may vary. They tend to have unatractive qualities or characteristics like, Really skinny build, or really fat, Combed over hair or frizzy hair, acne, thick glasses, big eyebrows, no muscular traits whatsoever, freckles, Buck teeth, braces, carrying science books, pale complextion, (from being seldom outside, high voice, tend to drool often (because their mouth often hangs open), crappy shoes, have overalls -(however rare today), have high striped socks pulled all the way up, a pocket protector, have a Bowtie, or a plaid shirt, and have their hands clamped up like Seals.

Mental traits of a common nerd: Generally, a nerds behaviour often appears odd to others, and nerds rarely notice their odd or eccentric behaviour. For example, most nerds tend to not be interested in any sport(s) whatsoever. They are most commonly REALLY into video games and computers so much, that it becomes an obsession, and they dedicate their lives to it.

Games are the biggest thing amongst nerds, especially online games such as, Counter-Strike, Starcraft, Diablo 2, and dungeons and dragons. Don't get me wrong, nerds are in EVERY online game, just those are they key games that nerds tend to "flow" into.

Movies they are intersted in could be Star wars, Star trek. Lord of the rings,etc. Taste in movies is generally always a sci-fi genre.

Music that a sterotypical nerd would listen to is techno, or a tune with little or no beat or rythum, even though many nerds have better interests in music than that.

Generally bullied physically and verbally by popular kids, and jocks. Nerds tend to have extremely poor social skills, therefore becoming unpopular and disliked by others. Most nerds tend to call normal people "noobs" because they on't excell at computer gaming skill as much as they do, but most of them don't even have a girlfriend, or a social life, which means they are "noobs" in the real world.

Positive attributes of nerds: It may be the sad truth, but the world today is run by nerds! (well, the smart ones who actually do something with their life) They have dramatically changed our world today. Without them, there wouldn't be, satellite, Computers, video games, or internet. That's right this was actually all created and done by nerds. Notice the richest man in the history of the world happens to appear as a nerd? (Bill Gates) It may be fun to critisize nerds today, (even though I sort of am) But some of them may end up being your boss one day!

Urkal, Napolean Dynamite and George Mcfly in back to the future in the past are great examples of nerds.

Stereotypical Conversations ( Well the unrealistic but ,meh)

These conversations are not true, but what a person thinks of a sterotypical nerd.

Nerd to Nerd:
Nerd 1: Salutations and greetings fellow earthling
Nerd 2: And to you, I got a new calculator watch that can fit up to 9 digits now!
Nerd 1: Well I upgraded my harddrive yesterday, so my PC is running 0.7% faster on Counter Strike!
Nerd 2: thats really cool! but i still got more head shots than you!
Nerd 2: I can't take this (Cries)

Nerd to Normal Person:
Nerd: Have you head of the Science fair coming up? Im so exited that I'm gonna drool all over your clothes.
Person: Back off you dweeb
Nerd: I'm gonna get my friends and PWN j00 online
Person: But you have no friends.
Nerd : oh yeah.. that too...
Person : HaHa NERD!!!
Person in background : What a loser!! Go win a starcraft tournament you weirdo!

Confident Nerd to Jock:
Nerd : Hello Jock! What appears to be your boggle today?
Jock : huh? Oh yeah I'm gonna kick your nerdy ass
Nerd : You may be on the football, rugby, wrestling team, and be 6'4" and 230 lbs, but im on the elite Counter- Strike team! So I have this toy lazer Gun! (pull's out a 6 year old child's lazer gun)
Jock : (punches Nerd in the face)
Nerd : (looses 8 and a half teeth, breaks his nose, gets spinal injuries, internal bleeding and ruptures spleen)

by --Jordan-- July 31, 2006

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One who is very intellectual. Often mistaken as dorks or geeks, nerds may also be very social, even social with those who are not nerds. When this happens, you know the nerd didn't make charisma his/her dump stat.

"I thought Harry was a nerd, how is he getting laid?"

"I guess he didn't make charisma his dump stat."

by Kibblez March 9, 2008

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A person who is shunned by society for a large number of insensible reasons. Stereotypical and usually, they have above average intelligence and a lot of interest in a subject considered "nerdy" (computers, games, technology in general). Nerds usually have little to no interest in a social life and would rather spend time working on something that would actually benefit the world. Nerds, if working together, could bring about a utopia, but most usually give up or commit suicide due to constant bullying and peer pressure.

He's such a nerd 'cause he works with computers all day.

by Krinkels June 20, 2007

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A pejorative term for somebody smarter than you.

She studies vector calculus? What a nerd!

by radiology April 6, 2008

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An extremely smart, socially awkward person who is generally outcast for not following trends.

Be nice to the nerds, because you'll work for them someday.

by Zara Black September 24, 2009

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A person with a never ending hunger for knowledge; highly knowledgeable individual; somebody who has the answer to everything

Nerds are difficult to hold a conversation with unless you are of equal intelligence.

by 2kind June 1, 2015

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This word is attached to girls named Nikki, Rebecca, Julia, and Francine. Also, men named, Tedd, Phillip, Gordo, and Ken. It is when these people are finding themselves enjoying their "social time" in Libraries reading to themselves. This is the number one quality to a nerd. Also, people who do not like Star Trek.

Hey, I am going to really spend some quality time in the library being social like a NERD.

by Sidekicker July 15, 2014

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