Something you post on your favorite dj's instagram foto cus you don't know what to say...
Martin garrix: Check this pocture of me playing in india
3695 comments: OM TELOLET OM
A viral stupid thing that nobody knows its meaning, just like DAB, Gangnam style. just the last two are songs and this one is a meme.
Mike : "Sup mate?"
Zack : "Om telolet om"
asked an artist to (telolet) greet / respond, like children in Indonesia who are happy just because the bus turning on the horn. Artists such as the bus driver and they ask like a child.
Artist greeted them and they will be happy like a little kid waiting for the bus turning on the horn.
First person onomatopoeia for eating with enthusiasm.
First person: *Om nom noms* leaf cupcake.
Second person: "Did you see how Aki was om nom noming that leaf cupcake!"
"Om nom noms" is the present progressive of "to nom" which means "to eat with enthusiasm." Therefore, "om nom noms" means "eating with enthusiasm".
He is father of Khiladi Akshay Kumar
Hari Om bhatiya Father Of King Akshay Kumar.