Where washed up, ex-legends go to cry
(whispered) Look at them in the corner of legends, isn't it sad...!?
what my friends put me in cause i can't get over a guy who has a gf and he's straight
emmy: go into the timeout corner
jaxsonn(me): what why
emmy: cause you can't get over george
The eggcellent corner is a small YouTube group of friends who's upload schedule is so shit the channel is deader than Kanye west career
The Eggcellent Corner uploaded for once in there life
A distraction corner is a group of 3-4 kids that distract others in todds classroom. the name of those kids are Kaelon, Jamaica, Lauren
Todd: Hey Distraction corner calm down
Distraction corner: •keeps talking but gets louder every minute•
Making sure that all aspects are covered. Similar to "ducks in a row".
John wants us to go over this project together, to make sure we are tucking in the corners.
One who does weird shirt in a corner
What are you doing over there, you corner weirdo