Source Code

mom moshing

Women who once moshed pit at rock concerts. Years later they mosh once again, in front of their children.

Girl: Hey Devon, how was the Gathering of the Juggalos?
Devon: It was the worst concert of my life.
Girl: Why?
Devon: My mom tagged along with and was moshing the entire time.
Girl: Gross, mom moshing?!?!
Devon: smh...

by velvetgotham December 5, 2017

killa mom

A mother who refuses to allow her children to leave home. And when they do, she won't let them go. Her children do not have productive lives or marriages. In an effort to insure they fail, she does things behind their backs to make them look bad. It forces them to return home. Children don't know what to do short of cutting her off and moving away.

An employer might get a call from "mom." The next thing ya know, the employee gets released. Friends might get introduced to her, and she will cut her children down in front of them. A girlfriend will leave her boyfriend because of his mom. Mom does these things behind her children's back. The "killa mom" is jealous, and won't let her children grow up. They may not be dead, but they certainly aren't alive.

by Stuckinthemud November 9, 2008

u mom

When a 12 year old wants to insult you but has a mental deficiency.

U mom gaiyeh

by A_Mistake March 31, 2018

30๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

soccer mom

The most despicable species of woman known to humankind.

Soccer Mom is aged 30 to 50 years and can always be found in Havertown, PA. She lives in an overrated neighborhood which in all honesty looks like lower-middle-class suburban Philadelphia on a good day.

She drives either a minivan or an SUV, which she needs to cart around her 2.3 kids, who are as obnoxious as all get out. In addition to soccer, the little darlings also particiate in karate, ballet, basketball, hockey, etc. They are never disciplined because soccer mom fervently believes they are perfect in all ways.

She's married to Mr. Corporate America. He's usually burnt out because he's forced to work 60+ hours every week in order to pay the sky-high mortgage, two car payments, private school tuitions, fees for the kids' activities, and the bills for Soccer Mom's profligate spending. He therefore needs to blow off steam by either screwing random secretary sluts or by spending his lunch hours at the local titty bar. Soccer mom either doesn't know this or doesn't want to.

Soccer Mom has no life outside her children and their activities. During the day when the kids are in school, she can be found trolling the local shopping mall and maxing out hubby's credit card buying stuff she doesn't need at the Bombay Company. She also is forced into the mall during the day as a way of killing time until the Merry Maids are finished cleaning the house.

Soccer Mom's musical preferences are Celine Dion and Faith Hill. She can't blast a Celine Dion CD in someone's presence without launching into her nauseating story of how she and hubby danced their wedding dance to "My Heart Will Go On," and how perfectly the song epitomizes her feelings for him. Sigh.

Soccer Mom sees any woman who's reasonably attractive and within 10 lbs. of her ideal body weight as a threat and a slut with the potential to seduce hubby. As if any woman would want his flabby ass!

Soccer Mom also has a rabid tendency to keep up with the Joneses.

All things considered, someone to avoid.

"Look out for the runaway minivan driven by the soccer mom!"

"The parking lot was crammed with soccer moms dropping their kids off to practice."

by Machka January 29, 2007

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the lady i was with last night

i just fricked your mom

by kayrhoades December 17, 2018

2๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

ur mom

can either be used as a random word which people seem to think witty and bugs the hell out of people, or, obviously, your mom

Bob: What are you doing tonight?
Joe: Ur mom

by i luv jesse mccartney April 26, 2005

1503๐Ÿ‘ 204๐Ÿ‘Ž


A woman who has adopted or given birth to you. Who says rude things about you all the time until your 18 or you end up killing yourself. She makes you feel awful, hates everything you do & hates you

Emma: She is my mom
Jen: I feel so bad for you

by Anonymous 112366 December 16, 2017

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