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weed weasel

one who never has weed and always epects others to pack and when they do get a bag you never see them till its gone

No marty you can't have a bong hit you weed weasel .

by cheeba monkey February 19, 2008

9👍 4👎

Marf Weasel

That humurous fart when it starts out with a pop, immediatley followed by a long high pitched sound ending the fart. Sounds like, "Pow, weeeeeeee"

"Did you hear Chris' loud Marf weasel in class today"? Even the teacher laughed!

by Jimbo75 October 3, 2011

Butterscotch Weasel

The act of love making when one partner braces their hand inside their other to grind their opposing elbow into the anus of the other partner.

"What did you and Cindy get up to last night?"
"We went bowling, had a couple of frosty milkshakes, and then I gave that bitch a Butterscotch Weasel."

by abeautifulanus December 19, 2018


of or pertaining to weasel like godliness

molly and dylan are fuckin weasel-tastic

by molly and dylan April 28, 2008

Toss The Weasel

To smoke weed with a group. Pass the pipe, burn one down, puff puff pass.

lets toss the weasel before we go frisbee golfing

by petaridactyl June 14, 2011

Weasel Pants

A adjective or noun that refers to a persons penis or metaphorical penis, typically used by older creepy ass men. The weasel in ones pants being the dick.

"stop that you weasel pants."

"Mr Ferri you're a fucking creep."

"language young weasel pants."

by voluptuous frog March 13, 2019

weasel homo

A straight guy who has sex with guys, but doesn't want anyone to know about it, but everyone knows.

Denial closet case

Guy 1: "Did you hear Taylor sucked his dick?"
Guy 2: "What a weasel homo."

by Dream3ater October 20, 2015