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Pansexual Agenda

The secret plot of all pansexuals to take over the world, asserting ourselves as the dominant leaders.

Dave: yo are you heading to that pansexual agenda meeting later?
Chris: yeah bro, gotta get that world domination

by Paranoia_Rising November 29, 2020

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Pansexual Day

First of all you want to know what being pansexual is right? Well being pansexual is when you like all genders! Basically you like anyone, gay, queer, etc!!! So now, when is pansexual day? On May 24th celebrate your pride of being pansexual!!! Now children, don't be afraid to show yellow, blue, and pink!!!

First of all you want to know what being pansexual is right? Well being pansexual is when you like all genders! Basically you like anyone, gay, queer, etc!!! So now, when is pansexual day? On May 24th celebrate your pride of being pansexual!!! Now children, don't be afraid to show yellow, blue, and pink!!!

by Isamu Kaito November 6, 2019

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Basically a bi person

Or just the ability to love/sex another person, I suppose.

Guy #2: Bro, you're pansexualp?

Guy #1: Yahahaaaaa

Guy #2: K.

by FaggitConko69 January 27, 2019

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Heteroromantic pansexual

A person who can be sexually attached to someone regardless of gender (male,female,M2F trans,F2M trans, gender fluid etc) but is only romantically attracted to people of the opposite sex

Tom can be sexually attracted to any gender but will only be romantic with the opposite grander e.g Tim is attracted to Ryan ( who is gender fluid) and holly but will only date holly because he is a heteroromantic pansexual

by QueenBanana October 16, 2016


To have little to no desire for sex but when the feeling comes gender doesn't matter.

Sam is gray-pansexual so they don't want to have sex but sometimes both their guy and girl friends look really hot

by Honeycomb July 21, 2017

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pansexual heteroromantic

Someone who is sexually attracted to all genders, but only romantically attracted to females if they are a male or romantically attracted to males if they are a female.

John: What is your sexual orientation?
Me: I am pansexual heteroromantic.
John: ...
John: I don't understand.
Me: I am sexually attracted to all genders, but I am only romantically attracted to males, because I am a female.

by Pansexual-Heteroromantic July 15, 2015

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homoromantic pansexual

a person who's interested in only sexual or platonic relationships with people outside of their gender.

homoromantic pansexuals CAN have sexual or platonic relationships with a person of any gender, but are not interested in romantic relationships with people outside of their gender.

i'm a homoromantic pansexual and i've had sex with men and gnc people, but i'm in no way interested in having a relationship with people who aren't women.

an easier way to describe it is like being aromantic towards everyone but women.

angela: i'm a homoromantic pansexual

derek: so you won't date me but you're willing to have a sexual or plantonic relationship with me?

angela: yes. i, woman, am only interested in having romantic relationships with women. i can also have sexual and platonic relationships with women, but i would not have a romantic relationship with a man or gnc person.

by homoromantic pansexual August 26, 2017

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