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parent sitting

To take care of your parents for the evening, usually they are senior citizens and need the physical help. Before they are put into assisted living situations.

As much as I would love to go woth you tonight I cant, I am parent sitting

by RogerSP April 2, 2007

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the meet-the-parents

the least favourite part of the dating tradition. consists of going to the female's house to have dinner with the parents. hazah!

Yeah, I gots to go to a meet-the-parents tomorrow night. Should be a real blowout of a hootenanny.

by Oedipus_Rex April 21, 2005

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1. term for parents or gaurdian(often used when parents are overbearing or annoying)

2. jus a common term for parents, usually used for adolesence or young adults ages 14-20

3.(often used with "the" in front og the word. if refering to a single parent, male or female is often identified

1.Guy1:man, the parentals wouldnt leave me alone yesterday
Guy2:my parental(s) need to learn to back off

2.guy 1:the parentals jus stood around al day while i cleaned
Guy 2:Pwned Bitch!!!

3."the parentals"; "the male parental"; the female parental"

by Shmo:That ONe Guy April 30, 2009

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Parents Boy

The nice and respectful boy a girl introduces to her parents as her boyfriend to hide or cover up her actual bad boy boyfriend so she doesn't get in trouble.

girl: hey mom and dad, this is Tim my bf.
Parents: o what a nice boy.

Later that day

boy: i hate being your parents boy.
girl: I'm not getting in trouble here so whatever.

by bgkid18 December 12, 2010

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Slow Parenting

The movement to raise children with less pressure, more free time to play. Anti helicopter parenting.

Jen shunned flash cards and tutors in favor of slow parenting her children.

by MommaSaid January 12, 2010

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people in this world who are forced to set rules and make their child life miserable because they have nothing better to do

Man, my mom won't let me go to the party...damn parents.

by christy February 23, 2005

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pet parents

A couple who treat their dogs, cats or other animals as if they were children. Many of these couples are childless and the animals provide a substitute for babies.

My neighbors are constantly fussing over their two golden retrievers. They always talk about how they must take them on play dates with other dogs and feed them special dog food for their birthdays. That sounds like typical pet parents. pets, canine crazy, feline fanatic, animal lovers, pet-obsessed, dogs, cats, feline, canine

by joecoolthefool August 16, 2015

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