The art of being a swamp-donkey worthy of being with your friend named Pat.
That girl was so pat-worthy dude, she made me want to puke, man she was ugly!
someone whos too cheap to buy something at regular price
omg there he goes again buying a reduced parfait he is such a discount pat
An overall dawg. May have some downers, but overall is living the life.
Bro its fuckin' pat bro
an abosulte saucy individual who pulls hot bitches. W rizz and it often referred to in corkerys as the Rizzard or p-money. When pat murphy enters a room people chant P-MONEY IN DA HOUSE. Casually bakes on his off days.
P: Did u hear abt what pat murphy did????
C: Oi don’t say his name!!!! he’s referred to as God or P-Money in these ends
To have this name is an honor
People bow to him in praise for being amazing
Pat Healey
The act of banging a chick while she takes it anal from a unicorn horn (either real or figurine).
Oh man, you gave her the ole Pat Fazly!
A Dad Pat is a pat, on the back or head, that is just hard enough to not hurt you, and is usually delivered by a fatherly figure.
"Hey, uh, Dad?"
"Yeah Jeremy, what's up?
"What's a dad pat, and how do I do it?'
"Well in order to do a dad pat you have to be a father, trust me, I'll show what is looks and feels like. Okay?"
"Oh, that was to hard, damn, his head is gone, I'll get better next time."