A phrase from a spoken short story which aired on This American Life, May 22, 1998. A woman stranded in the town of Paw Paw, MI (It's near Dowagiac, don't cha know) finds the owner of a gas station very unhelpful. She recalls seeing the sign outside a church as she came into town, which proclaimed "Paw Paw for Jesus." She is angry the woman won't help her and starts shouting "Paw Paw for Jesus" to remind her of her Christian duty but becomes slightly obsessed with the phrase.
Paw Paw for Jesus!
Is the act of being collective in one thoughts after cumming from masturbation to then go on and have a thoughtful friendly discussion with a person.
After a paw and chill session I sounded so friendly in the discussion.
Go have a paw and chill session and come back refreshed.
When your dog stomps her paw when wanting attention, food or toys.
I know you want to play but quit paw bitching and throwing your toy.
Don't stomp those paws at me. No paw bitching allowed.
When a dirty-ass female is on her period, whilst in a hurry, and she leaves a perfectly visible, easily distinguished bloody pussy print on the toilet seat. sometimes theres another full one or half pressings that accompany the first - hence making it look like a small series of paw prints on the toilet seat... that the dirtyy-ass female doesnt even bother cleaning up and is long gone by the time the trail is discovered. This particular genus of female carves a path of filth throughout Tujunga, Sunland, Sylmar, and Sun Valley or the greater San Fernando area
Which one of you nasty ass females left some dirty fuckin bloody paw prints on the toilet seat just now? unfuckinbelievable!
An Asian girl whit a beautiful face and a gigantic ass she is has to be from the south East!
Omg she looks so pretty she has to be a Paw Der
Omg your from the south West are you a Paw Der?
The mucky condition of your dog's paws after a romp outside during foul weather.
Awe man, my shirt just got trashed by Rover's swamp paw.