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porch people

People who spend their time sitting on their front porch all day. Their porches are outfitted with family room type furniture and sometime even a refrigerator. These people will resist all forms of exercise and personal hygiene. Porch people's main forms of entertainment are the arrival of the ice cream man, watching the bug zapper at work, and Nascar events.

"Hey look at those porch people swarming that ice cream truck"

by F.R. January 7, 2005

37πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

people ago

A unit of measure based on the lifespan of modern humans of approximately 100 years and used to give perspective on how recent certain developments were achieved by mankind.

"This country was founded in 1776. People live to be 100. That was just THREE PEOPLE AGO. Yeah, the 'Fear Factor' guy just hit you with a math quiz! That JUST happened. REEEAAALLL recent! ~ Joe Rogan

by Tenacious Faulker December 8, 2019

People Died

When something huge happens in pop culture like a cultural reset and the world basically stops.

*big pop cultural thing*
β€œ lived were changed, PEOPLE DIED β€œ

by haylors1989 September 19, 2022

people hater

A person that isnt a hater but a people hater. That means he/she doesnt just disdain you, he/she doesnt like anybody else.

C:Hey J why havent you called me?
J:Im a people hater.
C:Oh living by yourself must be great.
J:It beats living with people.

by πŸ‘Ώ April 17, 2016

poncho people

Adj: used to describe the generation of women (or men) who partake in the wearing of ponchos, a fashion craze reborn from the 60's, in winter 2004

Alana: "what are they wearin?"
Clare: "ponchos!"
Peachy: "they are poncho people! i wana be a poncho person!"

by Peachypeach January 23, 2007

5πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Ground People

Those people you always see studying in the hallways at school. Often found in large groups of people (called a clique) ,and normally seen reading, working with a laptop, or other electronic device, in front of, or near their locker's.

These people will often not give you their full attention if called upon

Ben: Hey what's up?

Ken: Just a second... (Finishes writing) Oh - uh, just studying for my test later today.

Ben: Oh. That's uh, cool. Wanna walk with me over to Timmies (Canadian Coffee shop)

Ken: Nah, bro. Sorry. Maybe another time? I really need to study.

Ben: Fine, go join the Ground People. Be a dumbass.

Ken: Nah bro. You're the dumbass. I'm the one that's gonna pass bro!

by BrendanRaguss January 24, 2011

Chair People

Peasants who know not that sitting is the biggest killer in America.

Look at those chair people, sitting in their little chairs with disengaged muscles. I bet they don’t know that sitting is the biggest killer in America.

by opeth6669 January 13, 2022