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you yell it out in the middle of class to put the attention on you


by shawtybae69 September 4, 2021


(N.) Generally referring to fart from inside the genital (penis) of a man; can also be connected to the female version “queef”.

In math class today, James pooted viciously.

by Kjrhgioa;ergea January 4, 2022


To toot on a person then poop

See skart.

Mike was a poot he was laughing like a laggard and then he changed his clothes.

by GluftenEed December 8, 2017


When milk has a little bit of brown and gets frozen in time

I accidentally pooted again

by Chuggus July 9, 2021


A disappointing cumshot.

I wanted to bang my girlfriend, but all I could muster was a few poots a cum.

by Hob Nobben May 13, 2019


Small unit of measurement, like a teaspoon.

He only gave me a poot of cum

by mintyjuices October 23, 2020


An abbreviated version of the classic Puto sexual slur. Appropriate for use at work; SFW (safe for work) , especially when directed at supervisors. Guys named Obet or Raymundo especially like being given this moniker.

Sup Poot.

by Señorff October 11, 2021