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The most defined and brilliant creature on earth. One of the seagulls many thousands of talents is surviving against seals by pecking them to death. Seagulls are such small creatures yet they can over come the biggest things, like seals (seriously those things are massive).

Friend1: Don’t be a chicken, be a seagull.

Friend 2: What does that even mean?
Friend 1: over come any challenge!!!
Friend 2: Oh

by Auch August 2, 2021


white bird with grey wings, squawks annoyingly, swoops in, dive bombs, steal food, then fly away

AAAAAAAAARGH those seagulls stole my fish and chips

by UrLocalSeagull March 7, 2023


When someone jerks off two guys on either side of them while giving head to the third in front of them. Looking like a seagull flapping its wings and moving their head forward and back.

“My two friends and I went over to this chicks house last night and she seagull us while we talked about our fantasy teams

by Realfactx February 28, 2021


A squawking, entitled scavenger who has nothing to say and they say it too loud.

"Could you speak up please? I can't hear you over this seagull."
"That club had more seagulls than Brighton beach"

by Jonty Bonty January 14, 2022


Doing a seagull is when you’re having sex on the beach and you dip the tip of your cock in the sand to put it back in her vagina. She will then make a seagull noise.

I did a seagull last day. She loved it!

by McFire sexking June 12, 2022


Government drones

I'm trying to change and there is a seagull peeping through my window, I hope it isn't one of those government drones trying to spy on me.

by Eddie the Head June 17, 2022


When someone goes up to people having sex and jerks off to it in front of them.

Did you seagull that couple yesterday?

by CupcakKe's dad November 8, 2017