When you got so bored you went to urban dictionary and typed exactly what it says n the search bar before you start typing.
bro i'm so bored
try qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
or mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq
same too
or qazwsxedcrfvtgbyhnujmik,ol.p;/
done too
what about typing 'Search Google or Type a URL' into google?
already done
try typing,'search' into urban dictionary's search bar
OK, i'll try that
Online research.
To look up something on the internet.
Substitute for saying "Googled" when you may be using other or all search engines.
We i-searched the subject.
Used to search Ecosia, a search engine that plants trees, when you're bored AF.
She typed, "Search the web to plant trees..."
Entering a query into a search engine.
Try entering search.
"search fatigue": a term that describes the tiring crippleness that overtakes you when contemplating researching a heated topic using a search engine because of the great black holing of narratives that run counter to the Left. I was afflicted by this mental malaise today when I wanted to research to find out whether all of the China virus vaccines had used aborted fetuses during research. I know at least one of them has. The Left, by censoring search results, may have actually encouraged more people to avoid the vaccines by hiding information, even though the opposite was their intention.
I experienced search fatigue when researching up on all the climate activists that have made pronouncements about ocean encroachment into land whom also continue to buy up future properties which will also soon be under this water.
When you accidentally type a period onto the youtube search and get traumatized.
Everyone: Yo if you type a period into the youtube search dont click on the search recommendations as it will show horrible childrens videos and gore/horror videos
Curious 9 year old: Sure
All but the truth - forget
And from this union cup
We will drink wine tonight
Qiyamat qiyamat a tawil
Qiyamat qiyamat insan al kamel
Pride of the peacock angel
Under the feather veils
Dark tresses under the black light
Desert Search For Techno Allah