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sniff cap

slang for doing cocaine

i saw that dude sniff cap

by Beat Bot December 5, 2023

Sniff Cap

Slang for doing coke.

what's your favorite thing to do?

I sniff cap in my free time

by Beat Bot December 1, 2023

Sniff the carpet

Another way of saying someone is/has gone down on a woman.

Guy 1: Bro did Sniff the carpet last night?
Guy 2: Yeah.

by SolarFlare0202 February 8, 2021

Tychoese Sniff

When Tycho licks my feet soooo much, They sniff it alot. That's a Tychoese sniff!

Tycho, Gimmie a Tychoese Sniff please.

by Goomba420 February 16, 2023

Odorama scratch and sniff cards

These are large scratch and sniff cards that were given out for free at screenings. Of John waters 1981 film "polyester". The idea is simple: the card has about 20-25 numbered icons each corresponding with a smell in the movie. When the number is flashed on the screen you simply scratch the corresponding icon. Odors included soiled tennis shoes.vomit.dog poo stinky farts........ you get the idea!


Legit I literally have 2 mint condition never been used odorama scratch and sniff cards!

by 4realazitgits March 25, 2021

Big Sniff

An insult/derogatory term to call one who acts the big no-no

Fugmo was acting like quite the big sniff today.

by Mibuggulous March 28, 2018

The Death Sniff

A line of combined class A drugs. Namely, cocaine, MDMA and Ketamine.

Let's have a go on the death sniff and see where we end up

by pablo and bruno March 14, 2021