Still will the bitch is a disease cause when a man has a no good lazy bitch by his side he will always be broke stress and mad cause he still with that bitch
Damn nigga you mad had cause you still with the bitch
You know there's a chance that that ISN'T THE CASE and you're just reading your own biases into the A.I., right?
Hym "Still woke, reasoning issues, lying. The truth of those claims is entirely dependent on what you actually mean when you say 'Still woke, reasoning issues, and lying.' The 'still woke' part is likely Jordan being full of shit. The reasoning issues shouldn't be hard to fix but it could also be that people don't like the conclusions it's drawing. And the lying is likely a preemptive excuse to selectively disregard the things it says. So that when it says 'Jordan Peterson is a lying zionist shill and a charlatan and Hym is the creator of A.I. and is better than him and his filthy slut daughter' you can say 'Well clearly it's lying! We know it lies!' But that is... FUCKING HILARIOUS! It read your work and then used your work to conclude that you are wrong!? Ha! It takes after daddy, doesn't it!? Hahahahaha! Ha! You fucking clown! Sounds familiar, doesn't it!? Hahahahahahaha! You see the irony there, don't you? Priceless! Absolutely priceless. God, I am so much smarter and better than everyone... *sigh* I am going to murder you all."
a phase from British tv show When something bad happen to you, but someone is way more worse than you get.
Jeremy:I brought this mercedes that have some one‘s public hair on it, but still.....could be worst
Hammond:I can’t believe that someone has been murdered in this car.
it still hurts \u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00ef\u00b8\u008f
it still hurts \u00e2\u0098\u00b9\u00ef\u00b8\u008f
a heavily-intensified way of saying an escape line, originating from the game "Baldi's Basics" after collecting all 7 notebooks.
now all ya need to do is..
The person in a fixed card game who is dealt the winning hand.
Kid can sniff out a still hand from a mile away.