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feel the love

Can be used to describe the opposite of the literal meaning of the phrase.

I see John was shooting you dirty looks all evening..

Yeah, I could really 'feel the love'

by Valexing February 12, 2009

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Feel Nude

The emotion of being past embarassment; as if you were naked in public. (Under the assumption that most people would feel embarassesd being naked in public.)

Synonym: (Feeling naked)

I felt nude when we were at Grandma's funeral and I laughed...Everyone just stared at me.

I saw you talking to Jessica in the hallway earlier..

Teacher: "Joe, what's the answer to the question?"
Joe: (Sleeping, then wakes up...."Um.....40"..
Teacher: "Really? World war II started because of '40'?"
Joe: "I feel nude."

by TrekSouth November 23, 2012

salty feels

When you are mad at someone but at the same time you are dying internally.

Because me and my friend are arguing, I'm having salty feels.

by User6802 January 1, 2016

Feels Jerk

A feels jerk is when a group of sensitive SJWs are all on a social media site (usually Tumblr, but may also include Facebook and Youtube.) and begin commenting and complaining about a meme, picture, video, person(s) or event that upsets them. In a feels jerk the SJWs will generally outnumber the normal thinking people and will give 2 paragraph long "you're being mean" posts to any person that objects. The other members will then up vote it and make some retarded 5 word comments about how awesome their fellow SJW is (ie. "You go gurl" "Top comment" "exactly" "^^^^^^^^^:)))))")

it is for this reason that we call this a Feels Jerk as they are figuratively jerking each other off while they talk about their feelings.

SJW "Oh my god, that poor dog was shot by that evil man!" #prayfordoggy

Normal Person "Wait, what the fuck? First off it's a fucking coyote not a dog. Second it would have killed his small child if he did not shoot it.

SJW "omgggg are you for real i say hes evil an all you bring up is that hes a coyote it doesnt even matter its a living being and that man took him away"

Normal Person: "How about you fuck off, go back to tumblr and have a feels jerk with your fellow SJWs.!"

Guy 1: "Bro, I shared this video and a bunch of weird people I barley know began commenting about how it's offensive and insensitive."

Guy 2: "Sounds like SJWS. What was it about?"

Guy 1: "It was just one of those smack cam pranks, I tried to reason with them but they kept saying how mean the prank was and how their friend might kill him self."

Guy 2: "Sounds like they were have a Feels Jerk and you were right in the middle of it."

by Urban Dicktonary December 13, 2015

Feel sick

A pit in my stomach from doing something bad or wrong and regretting it because its not you.

I feel sick

by ... Zjdbckdnznsjd August 3, 2020

feeling the yeet

โ€œFeeling the yeetโ€ is a term used when you feel like throwing yourself out of the window. It is commonly used in stressful situations such as: when you are caught cheating on your gf, when your mom walks in on you during sexy time, or when you are caught in-action by the authorities.

Damn bro, youโ€™ll never guess what happened yesturday! My mom walked in on me getting laid yesturday! Iโ€™m feeling the yeet rn.

by Your mums bussom August 10, 2020

feel bag

A person that is so full of feelings that they literally are just a bag of feelings hence feel bag.

Jesse can't stop crying. He is such a feel bag

by Socks22 July 14, 2017

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