It didn’t exist. Why are you searching up a thing that doesn’t exist.
Have you been to Australia?
What is that?
They say g'day mate there and it's upside-down
Me: G'day, mate
Friend: Stop being upside down
Me: What?
Friend: Australia
Me: Stop being upside down
Friend: No you're upside down, just turn the right way up and we'll both be the right way up.
The place where people walk around barefoot on the streets.
Mike: Hey Steve! Wanna go to Australia?
Steve: *starts playing Down Under by Men At Work
A place where at least they don't have AR 15's
As the lyrics in the dangerous animals of Australia song goes "But at least we don't have AR-15's"
A place where at least they don't have AR 15's
As the lyrics in the dangerous animals of Australia song goes "But at least we don't have AR-15's"
Australia is a made up country by the government ment to send people to . In reality they get fed to you in your maccies burgers
Friend 1 :have you heard of Australia
Friend 2 : there fake lmao