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It didn’t exist. Why are you searching up a thing that doesn’t exist.

Have you been to Australia?
What is that?

by May 22, 2023


They say g'day mate there and it's upside-down

Me: G'day, mate
Friend: Stop being upside down
Me: What?
Friend: Australia

Me: Stop being upside down
Friend: No you're upside down, just turn the right way up and we'll both be the right way up.

by Definishons September 23, 2020


The place where people walk around barefoot on the streets.


by MuzzCheese May 8, 2021


See Land Down Under

Mike: Hey Steve! Wanna go to Australia?
Steve: *starts playing Down Under by Men At Work

by Roman Catholics Making Pot April 13, 2021


A place where at least they don't have AR 15's

As the lyrics in the dangerous animals of Australia song goes "But at least we don't have AR-15's"

by yesnomaybenoyesnoyes November 9, 2020


A place where at least they don't have AR 15's

As the lyrics in the dangerous animals of Australia song goes "But at least we don't have AR-15's"

by yesnomaybenoyesnoyes November 9, 2020


Australia is a made up country by the government ment to send people to . In reality they get fed to you in your maccies burgers

Friend 1 :have you heard of Australia

Friend 2 : there fake lmao

by Weeweewoowoo November 11, 2019