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united states

world's number one terrorist state

The United States committs more acts of state terrorism than all the other terrorist states in the world.

by sityourpunkassdown April 18, 2007

937๐Ÿ‘ 883๐Ÿ‘Ž

United States

The worst country in the world consisting of sex-addicted teenagers and stupid-headed blonde girls who do nothing but fuck all day. They're also the reason why the whole world's economy is going down the toilet.

Fuck the United States!!!!!

by Fuck America dot com July 11, 2008

660๐Ÿ‘ 615๐Ÿ‘Ž

United States

The most powerful country in the world due to the highly intelligent and motivated efforts of people that have migrated over the years from every part of the planet in search of opportunity and a better standard of living.

George Washington

by Sean C. Eastman June 26, 2004

1048๐Ÿ‘ 993๐Ÿ‘Ž

washington state

the bestest state in america (except new york and california, of course). washington is the home of fantastic things such as kurt cobain and nirvana, jimi hendrix, indie and grunge rock, the postal service, (a band for all you newbs) death cab for cutie, and seattle is home to a vibrant gay community also. washington has spectacular natural beauty along with variety. we can be upscale (bill gates, nordstrom) buisnessy (starbucks, microsoft again) cool (the space needle, awesome bands) and anything in between.

"where are you from?"

"Washington state!"

"Man! You're so lucky dude!"

by mia7553 November 13, 2006

119๐Ÿ‘ 100๐Ÿ‘Ž

Garden State

one who listens to alternative music (i.e. the arcade fire, the shins, iron and wine, cold war kids, ect.) and wear clothes such as cardigans, scarfs, and slacks

Whats that Edward kid like?
I dunno, he's kind of garden state.

by Dylan Ison, Larry Lunsford, and Ryan Heimlich March 18, 2008

37๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

United States

Also Known as USA, United States of America
An oil hungry entity, known to scavenge all over the globe for new preying grounds. Uses special tactics of lying about WMDs and axis of evil as excuses to gozzle more oil.
Country of gun totting toddlers, who shoot classmates as a pasttime. Also country of confused voters, who become legally blonde every election year.

1. That car is crazy on gas consumption, was it made in the USA
2. Another kid went US yesterday, took down 40 of his classmates without blinking
3.The United States is in search of oil again, I thinl Tukmenistan is next.

by MelvinHenry May 22, 2008

720๐Ÿ‘ 675๐Ÿ‘Ž

Red state

NON-BIASED DEFINTION: In recent years, in the U.S. only, a red state has come to mean a state that traditionally votes Republican, as opposed to a blue state which traditionally votes Democrat.

In the past, media would use maps with red for one party and blue for the other, with no set standard. The current trend was set during the 2000 Presidential election, when NBC used it. The race was very close, and because of this, Tim Russert was often heard to say things like "Bush needs x more red states in order to win, and Gore needs x more blue states in order to win." Because the coverage was being watched so intently by so many people, the color scheme stuck, and is now used by all networks.

What many people don't realize is that this color scheme is actually the opposite of traditional political colors. Red has always been associated with socialism and communism (i.e. extreme forms of liberalism) as seen on flags of countries such as the P.R.C., the U.S.S.R., and the D.P.R.K. On the other hand, blue is most often associated with conservatism, and sometimes facism (i.e. the extreme form of conservatism). Most nations still use this color scheme.

It may be that NBC assigned these colors at random, or it may be because Republican and red both start with R. Neither party has officially adopted these colors. This color scheme has often led to confusion when residents of other countries see a political map of the U.S. or hear Americans discussing red states versus blue states.

When I hear the term "red state" I automatically think of China or North Korea, not Texas or Utah. It's such a pet peeve that the U.S. got red state and blue state backwards!

by klopek007 November 11, 2009

181๐Ÿ‘ 157๐Ÿ‘Ž