When U Forcefully Put Someones Teeth On A Curb and Stomp The Fuck Out oF eITHER thEir bAKS oR hEADS cAUSING sERIOUSE INJuRiES oR sOMETimES dEATH.
Curb Stomp
1: v. To place another's head on the edge of the curb and stomp the back of their head, so as to break their teeth..
2: an genre of music where in heavy metal lyruics are paired with Dubstep Music.
1. I curb stomped Chad Chadzly last night.
2. Last night's curb stomp set was awesome!
To dress up extremely nice when going out.
I went to the club last night booted suited 10 toes to the curb.
To be rejected by a crush in favor of someone else.
"John got curbed by Sarah, everyone knows she's got the hots for Jacob.
The colloquial term for the unexpected or expected drenching experienced when a passing vehicle drives through a puddle while a pedestrian is walking along the street; most commonly experienced during or after rainy conditions. It's akin to receiving an impromptu wash from the curb or road, resulting in being drenched and potentially necessitating a change of attire.
1. I had such a rough day at work. My boss was a jerk, I was swamped with mundane tasks, the weather sucked, and to cap it all off, on my way to my car someone totally curb washed me.
2. That puddle is in a prime location to curb wash someone.
3. Just saw this doofus get curb washed on the side walk. He should have taken the bus...
A female resembling a crack whore who hangs out along the street side, usually in seedy to middle and upper class neighborhoods, begging for attention, more than likely through munchausin syndrome, also molestation and/ or being born in Orange County and surrounding areas in California. She is willing to do anything to further her social standings including sexual favors, lieing, snitching, stealing etc.
Person 1~ " So what happened with you and your ex?"
Me~" She turned out to be a curb cricket just like the rest of them!"