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tug boat

when a guy sticks his balls in a girls ass while fucking her

I tug boated that hoe last night.

by DevRev October 2, 2007

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tug nuts

someone(usually male)with a set of unusually large nuts.

boy1: "OMG, did you see him sitting down?"
boy2: "Yea, that guys got a pair of tug nuts."

by Craig mack March 9, 2005

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Eskimo Tug

The Eskimo tug is when a woman is giving you a hand job and rubs the tip of her nose on the tip of your penis.

Last night the girl from the party gave me an Eskimo tug

by xBigDEEZYx & IPIYIRIOI December 22, 2010

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tug bloat

When you've spent too long masturbating and your cock is sore and swollen.

Hey, I was pulling it for hours, but now I've got tug bloat.

by Salty Sea Dog March 17, 2014

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Tactical Tug

The art of jerking off in public and trying to remain hidden.

Dude, did you see that guy in the school library? We spotted him trying to pull off a tactical tug.

by Buzz Lightyear858 March 17, 2011

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Bro And Tug

It's the equivalent of a rub and tug, but between two male friends

Hey john, I heard you gave matt a bro and tug last night.

by John Tuggin's December 14, 2009

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nig tug

to pull one darker skined(very dark)person from the back of a vehichle, preferably a truck.

this weekend we found an extremely dark man and nig tuged him

by marianist baseball April 2, 2008

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