When you make a dumb face while masturbating, usually involuntarily.
My grandma walked into the bathroom and saw me turning fapanese. I think she liked it.
A term which means to have the your power over someone flipped for you to become the powerless. This is humorous variation of "turn the tables" made to subvert expectation by flipping the order of words around, creating an absurdly worded sentence. Alternatively, the past tense of this phrase is "the turns have tabled"
I had enough of bossing me around, now it is me that tables the turn.
US Roads: Signal to other drivers an intent to turn right, switch to the shoulder lane, but instead of turning, one drives through the intersection, and merges back into the driving lane, usually cutting off traffic in the process.
That goober just did a milwaukee turn and cut me off!!
Turning your fleet around without any care for their safety or speed for the purpose of saving a single member.
The awkward way you have to turn your car while you have a cigarette or anything else in your hand.
Guy Driving "shit i have to make a cigarette turn"
Passenger "just hand me your cig man"
The cheeky turn is when someone attempts to kiss you on the cheek & whilst they are atrempting to do so, you quickly turn your head so that they accidentally kiss you on the lips.
"Dude, I can't believe he did the cheeky turn on her".
"I know right, that was hilarious".
Two females who dance together
My bestie and I are turn sisters 💞