Source Code


C-TYPE is a beatmap set in the rythm game osu!, which is widely considered to be the best and most influential map in the game due to the difficulty Bonsai's BasS-TYPE, a map with innovative high CS low BPM wide angle jumps and the amazing gimmick of the y-coordinate of the notes being determined by the pitch of the notes. The player badeu was able to get the pp record on the map not because it is a broken map in terms of pp but because the greatness of the map motivated him to get his DTHRFL FC.

Did you see badeu's DTHRFL FC on C-TYPE? It's so cool to see such a cool score on such a great map!

by c-type fan August 14, 2021

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type art

When you are typing and you make art with various symbols.

Here is some Type art it took me like an hour to make but it sux

............... \\\
...............\...\_ ......./..||||\
.................\........... ....|||||\
......./ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\.........../ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\
......|........|............\...... .........|........|

by CaNaNaDa 1337 May 21, 2014

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Side Typing

A form of typing in which the person types the letter to the right or left of the actual letter they want. For example 'I' becomes 'O', and 'G' becomes 'H'.

Try to figure out what im side typing.

jr;;p ,u ms,r od kpm.

Translates to:
(Hello my name is jon)

by Jonsooo July 19, 2008

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Type Girl

That Girl You Used To Date But You

- Cheated On Her And She Found And left You
-You Broke Up/Left Her
-You Left her So You Can Be With A Better Girl (A Girl With More Swag, More Ass, More Money, Nasty, Better Style etc.)

But After A While Or After You See The Repercussions Of Your Decision, You Now Realise She Is The One.

Andre: Hey Man, Do You Remember Maya
Kanye: Yeah The girl You Used To Date Before You Started Dating Miley
Andre: I Think I Love Her Man
Kanye: Hey Just Stick With Miley She's a better, she gat more class & Way more ASS Too
Andre: No Man You Just Don't Get It, She's My Type Girl

by LSK Montana May 9, 2015

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Whatta Type

When one is exasperated, confused, angry, or just plain old hyper, they will type random letters really fast, usually in the J, K, H, L, and M section, or the E, D, F, G, S, and A section. ONLY to be used in chat.

Guy 1: I am so mad at you!
Guy 2: Why??
Guy 2: gjfhngjkgnkj!!! I'm SORRY!
*whatta type*
Girl 1: Does he love you?
Girl 2: Yes!!
Girl 1: fghdvadxfgcsdgsdf I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!

by GOOGGGOGGOGOG May 16, 2007

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Type A Flu

A fictitious illness used to get out of going to work

That lady hasn't been here in weeks because she has the type a flu.

by CWool April 2, 2009

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Type 2

It refers to "Type 2" Diabetes obviously. Used in a more informal way.

Friend 1: Hey wanna grab some ice cream?
Friend 2: Nah can't bro, I got that Type 2

by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian March 9, 2020

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