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got me weak

when something not funny ends up being funny and causes you to blurt out laughin'

Kermit the Frog sipping his iced tea got me weak.

by Jiggy Goth July 5, 2014

45👍 10👎

weak sex

Weak sex is when you don’t have enough energy to fulfill your partners needs. It’s when your dick goes limp or your pussy gets dry.

Hey wanna have some weak sex?

Why would I want weak sex?
Cause it’s the best

by Cdawgiee March 15, 2019

1👍 3👎

weak shit-talking

A weak attempt at trying to portray coolness by being funny at another person's expense; typically attempted by trustafarians; often accompanied by the douche chills.

When a member of a fantasy football league insults another participant by saying in a pre-season email, "I am surprised
he even knows what football is," the rest of the league responds, "Now that's some weak shit-talking."

by D-Chills July 10, 2009

Whoop Game Weak

when a fellow human gets the item snatched out from there grasp. This means their Whoop game is considered "Weak".

Damn bro, your whoop game weak!

by uraasmesn September 23, 2019

weak size fish

Derived from the native tongue of Tignish, Prince Edward Island. Weak is a slang term used frequently in sarcasm. Referring to a "Weak Size Fish" would mean a really big fish. It most commonly stands for the Fredericton based musicians called Weak Size Fish, with a few of their members hailing from the town of Tignish, PEI.

Welsir you caught the weak size fish eh?

I caught the weak size fish the other day.

by JohnPierre March 10, 2012

Weak 1 Team

a “Weak 1 Team” is a fantasy football team that has only won 1 game throughout 8 weeks when the fantasy football draft was held during the first NFL week thus compensating the owner with a win in week one, but then going on to lose 7 straight games.

Damn Lito, your “Weak 1 Team” sucks.

by Authentication Unit November 4, 2020

weak sauce

To be a climber in the south east.

Weak sauce all over them there bolders in the south east.

by bob March 30, 2005

6👍 35👎