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weed weasel

one who never has weed and always epects others to pack and when they do get a bag you never see them till its gone

No marty you can't have a bong hit you weed weasel .

by cheeba monkey February 19, 2008

9👍 4👎


of or pertaining to weasel like godliness

molly and dylan are fuckin weasel-tastic

by molly and dylan April 28, 2008

Toss The Weasel

To smoke weed with a group. Pass the pipe, burn one down, puff puff pass.

lets toss the weasel before we go frisbee golfing

by petaridactyl June 14, 2011

Weasel Pants

A adjective or noun that refers to a persons penis or metaphorical penis, typically used by older creepy ass men. The weasel in ones pants being the dick.

"stop that you weasel pants."

"Mr Ferri you're a fucking creep."

"language young weasel pants."

by voluptuous frog March 13, 2019

weasel homo

A straight guy who has sex with guys, but doesn't want anyone to know about it, but everyone knows.

Denial closet case

Guy 1: "Did you hear Taylor sucked his dick?"
Guy 2: "What a weasel homo."

by Dream3ater October 20, 2015

Weasel Neck

A Weasel neck is someone who cannot complete a simple task.

Anyone who is a weasel neck will single handily fuck up any given task.

"I want to send John to unload those lorries"
"Don't do that he is a right Weasel neck"

by Hollandino July 20, 2017

weasel in trousers

surprisingly charismatic butch-type lesbian who likes to make sexual advances on young doe-eyed mostly hetero girls

She's such a weasel in trousers she turns straight girls gay.

by AuntF November 3, 2010