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april 26th is national slap ass day

on april 26th you can slap anyoneโ€™s ass!

april 26th is national slap ass day so go and slap someoneโ€™s ass!

by Graggen Smemt April 23, 2021

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do it, they deserve it.

โ€œno i canโ€™t go, iโ€™m partaking in national slap a white person day ):โ€

by emiliatbh May 16, 2021

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Slapped the fuck out yo mouf

What happens when someone is served an open palmed disrespect, often utilizing a tool. Is seen as a deserved act of revenge after a period of humilation.

In that movie Wanted, the main character slapped the fuck out yo mouf when he bashed his cheating best friend with that keyboard. It said, "Fuck You"

by Supa Nigga October 5, 2009

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National slap a bitch day December 12th

if some one is being a bitch slap them they cant get mad

person 1: wtf dude
person 2: its National slap a bitch day December 12th

by Luca_gamin November 14, 2022

Click clack give my nutsack a slap

1. Another way to say โ€œsuck my dickโ€
2. An office sex term. If you want to get laid right there on the desk, walk up to your coworker and say โ€œclick clack give my nutsack a slap

โ€œHey Jerry, I just finished those quarterly repor- โ€œclick clack give my nutsack a slapโ€

by efelly2 September 17, 2019

National Slap Your Short Friend Day

December 15th is national slap your Short Friend Day!

Have fun slapping those little pests!

Joe "Hey Amanda it's National Slap Your Short Friend Day! I get to slap you!"

Amanda "JOE N-"

Joe "slaps her"

by Idklol1790 December 14, 2022

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National Slap Your Shortest Friend Day

On October 22nd you have the right to your shortest friend across the face

Did you hear that tomorrow is National Slap Your Shortest Friend Day!

by Cap'nCrunch69 October 17, 2021

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