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A person named mel

Mel is a swaggy rat

by BIGD1CKCH1K April 29, 2022


The capri sun of the vampire world

Vampires can suck from rats as kids suck from Caprisun

Rats are the capri sun of the vampire world

by Nai99 September 17, 2019


This person is a major punk. They do whatever they can to get on your nerves. This word can be used to describe someone who is very persistent.

Stop being such a rat.

by Kiwij53 November 15, 2015


Describes someone/something that takes advantage of people in sneaky, sly way.


by Lenti November 5, 2015


Genny Fager

“There goes that sophomore rat.” - Rachel

by rachel1 October 7, 2019


basically a hoe

A male or female that fucks on other people while being in a relationship along with flirting and cheating

person 1 " man that rat ass bitch London was fuckin on dude ass while being with me "

person 2 " I tried to tell you see was a rat when I told you me and my hb cracked her at the same time "

by awfulcarti May 28, 2024


Rats: being viciously unattractive.
— If someone says you’re rats, they mean you’re ugly as shite and get no birds (zero pussy). Or vice-versa, you get no cooch.

Example 1:
Gib: “That bird is so rats I can count her on one hand (Under a five 🖐 )”
Campbell: “Days in the sides, that dyke is rats as shite and reeks of shite as well, aye ken”

Explanation: Gib tells Campbell a girl is ugly a shite in a club, and that he can count her rating in one hand, meaning she is ugly and no lads should be firing her any chat.

Gib: “That bird is so rats I can count her on one hand (Under a five 🖐 )”
Campbell: “Aye ken, Days in the sides, that dyke is rats as shite and reeks of shite as well.”

Explanation: Gib tells Campbell a girl is ugly a shite in a club, and that he can count her rating in one hand, meaning she is rats and warns the boys that no lads should be firing any chat her way..

by Junky_Mark December 19, 2021