Cake out - make millions of £$
I'ma cake out of this deal, lets take it and run
Street name / slang for the powder form of the drug fentanyl.
Yo bro, you got any cake mix for sale?
When you eat too much cake at your birthday party and wake up feeling crappy
Guy 1: Girl 1's birthday party was bomb!
Guy 2: It was, but I heard she got a cake hangover.
Guy 2: That sucks.
Used to describe a particular type of gay male. The ones who bleach / hair straighten / spike / toni&guy their hair to the point they just look silly.
Often used by gay males who have normal hair, there by creating a minority within a minority.
Homosexual number 1 - "Check out that chicken in the Diesel shirt with the hot arms!"
Homosexual number 2 - "Yeah but he's all 'cake on head' he looks like a muppet."
When you cum on her ass but there's so much cum it's like a nuke
Jaquavious: man, I nuked her cake
Ontavious: you cummed all over her ass?
Jaquavious: yeah it's called nuke the cake
When you pull out and cum on the outside of her pussy and throw a handful of granola so it sticks.
Nancy said her favorite food was oat meal, so I nutted on her and gave her a Crunchy Nut Fish Cake.
People named Daniel are flop cakes
Girl named marley : “hey what’s your name”
Boy named Daniel: “my names daniel”
Girl named marley : “damn your a flop cake”
Boy named Daniel: “I know:(“