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Yaba daba si si, i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee, cuz ayeee oh i.

When ur hella excited for something so u say: Yaba daba si si, i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee, cuz ayeee oh i.

Lezz goo Yaba daba si si, i dont wanna be be another fut a tee tee, cuz ayeee oh i.

by Mano mano mano July 7, 2022

oh boy

A phrase that is repeated continuously every lesson by a devious maths teacher.

Class - "That number is actually a negative not a positive"

Timothy - "Oh boy!"

by Hero-2468 September 7, 2022

Oh manhild

A classic twist, and a alternative to the reaction ''oh man'', as you'd say in cases of unexpected events. Typically used by millenials, age 12-18, and is a act of surprise, followed by disappointment

''Oh manhild, there was a guy right around the corner'' - Keyboard Warrior

by IWIWI February 18, 2018

Oh my narshe!

An exclamation that expresses both surprise and pleasure; a combination of the phrases "Oh my God" and "Nice!". The phrase "Oh my tart!" can be used as a substitute, with tart meaning tight (in the sense of cool or sweet).

Person 1: Hey, we have some left over pizza, do you want to get in on this?

Person 2: Oh my narshe!

by musicguy1214 July 14, 2010

Oh dip!

When stuff goes super bad

Person 1: we crashed the car into a ditch

Person 2: OH DIP!

by Yoloswag59 April 21, 2022


a croud chant for the band cojum dip

bodur the clumsy: can i get an OH DIP??
croud: OH DIP!!!!

by MasonIsntFunny January 28, 2024

Oh! Bone

An exclamation remark for messing up. In the same sense as Oh No or Oh Bother but with bones

Oh! bone I messed up the soup

by artofkaiju October 8, 2022