She gave him a trouser biscuit at Denny's for his birthday. Best butter hand job ever!
The act of using peanut butter as lube in sexual interactions. So when you cum, peanut butter could come out.
Have you ever peanut buttered someone?
I was peanut buttering her last night bro.
A build up of sweat and unwashed buttcrack that results in a sticky, buttery poo-paste that may stain underwear or make it difficult to wipe successfully.
"Oh man, I keep wiping but there's just so much grundle butter! Maybe it's time to see a doctor..."
When a man's fucking a girl in the ass and she shits on his dick. At the time he pulls out she puts peanut butter in her mouth and sucks his dick aka peanut butter cup!
Steven: "I got Tiffany to do the peanut butter cup last night."
Lee: "that's gross but you're legendary"
Steven: "her mouth was filled with peanut butter and " chocolate ".
Lee" Peanut butter cup!"
When s Jewish acquaintance attempts to insincerely flatter you in the presence of others, assuming you are too stupid to get it.
(Jewish Wife) Hey Saul, did you get that goyim schmuck Harrison to fix the wiring out at the cottage yet?
(Husband Saul) No no not yet. He'll be at the party and when he's had a few I'll smother him in Jew Butter in front of the other schmucks. Never fails.
Butter Shakes happen when you’ve eaten too much butter and you experience a tingling sensation in your arms and legs.
I was at the movie theatre and I ate an entire Large bag of popcorn, stood up and the fuckin butter shakes hit me so hard ughh.
When dropped, the faecal smeared face of a used tissue lands on a surface, transferring anal marmite onto that surface.
Sorry the lav seat is wet, but I had to clean it after dropping an arse-wipe butter-side-down.