A turd so mighty and ferocious it almost appears as if it is a monster waiting to devour the world, or even your ass the next time you sit down on the throne.
"Sorry, I left a chocolate monster behind in your bathroom, it wouldn't flush...
The towering mountain of cold yummy goodness that makes you feel better after a crappy day!
Being upset over your stupid boyfriend/girlfriend and wanting to drown your sorrows over chocolate chip ice cream.
The reverse of the Milwaukee Tootsie Pop. Instead of shitting inside of your Pink Sock, you have your friend or lover shit ON your prolapsed anus. The feces-covered pink mass dangling out of your ass thus resembles a chocolate strawberry.
"Ricky thought it be funny to shit on my Pink Sock. This is one gnarly Milwaukee Chocolate Strawberry."
When a black man is getting jerked off and he is about to ejaculate.
Stacy had herself a real dark chocolate tootsie roll.
A racial slur for black people, can be altered for any race
Sam Evans's stripper name on "Glee", the show.
Ladies and Gentlemen, let's welcome to the stage, White Chocolate!