When a woman avoids having evil sex.
Women should be aware of sexually predatory behaviors, and they should learn how to rape escape and call the police when it happens.
Chip Raping is where you shove chips down your friends cleavage.
I just chip raped my friend, she looked like she was wanking when she was trying to get the chips out.
Lets chip rape her, she has heaps of cleavage so it shud be easy
1. Getting raped or mullested by Moses or Moses believer.
2. Trying to convert someone to the new religion called MOSES4LIFE
I was moses raped at the mall last night!
When in American highschool a male no one likes consensually losses his virginity and gets accused of rape by the girl a couple of months later so the community disowns him so he losses interest in sex then he becomes isolated /lonely and eventually super manic with sexual frustration then makes a Grindr and meets an older guy then gets raped in the gay guys apartment
Oh I don't think Todd's actually gay I think he got reverse raped
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Usually referenced to the Fortnite creative game mode made by general.Coach rape is a fan fiction made from the backrooms.
Have you seen coach rape lately he’s mad.
When a teenager rapes another teen generally a teenage boy and girl
That teenage boys rape they teen girl at that event so it's was teen rape.