When you give a beat down to one of your friends or random stranger. Just like the Taco Bell executive did to the Uber driver
Man I didn't think you were that mad and then I saw you taco belling the hell out of that guy in the parking lot!!!!
After being drugged, waking up pantless and bleeding from the ass. Typically happens on a Tuesday.
Variation: a chevaline street taco - includes horse semen
I went in the hospital for a colonoscopy and woke up with a street taco.
"street taco" is a slang term for "hooker" or a dirty woman who sells her body for money.
"Hey jim watch out for the street tacos under the redlight on your way home."
A joke that is so bad that it’s funny and you’ll make fun of your friends for making it
“That girl made the biggest street taco!”
The taco you eat before your plate of tacos.
Wait, you ate already?
Nah bro, that’s just my pre-taco.