A system of housing at Purdue University similar to greek life that provides students with reasonably priced housing and a social life.
I didn’t want to be a basic girl in a sorority so I joined a cooperative house.
Some random city in Manitoba, Canada that nobody cares about. I'm sure not even some of the 6,000 residents care about it either, and have plans to move out.
It's also frigid, with winters frequently dropping below -40°.
"Hey, where you from?"
"Uhh... Norway House."
"Norway? Which city?"
"No, there is a city in Canada called Norway House. That's where I'm from."
"Oh. You're weird bro."
God, it’s my time of the month and my Cincinnati Trap House is flowing.
When you decide to Pump your pals sister and go back to her flat. Everyone knows your pumping her but rather than tell everyone the truth about where you have been, you just say you stayed at Billy’s House.
“What were you up to last night Birnie?” “Oh you know just staying at Billy’s house”
A "holy ground" locale where navy-servicemen come to pray for protection prior to going to battle on the high seas.
I prefer to avoid armed conflict of any kind, so I see no need to attend a house of warship every Sunday.
we did some crazy stuff in there
when your mom was at my house she was screaming more than you and her combined when she was giving birth.
Korbin house is a littlebitch that suffers from littlebitchitus. Although people named this will often have a chode (abnormally small dick)
Korbin: I Korbin house love men, and am half gay cuz I'm a bisexual bitch. Also I eat dry cum out of my daddy mikes cum sock