A Muskshirt cab be an activist, evangelist, enthusiast and follower for the fascist takeover of the USA, Germany, UK, other countries and eventually the world and Mars by Elon Musk and connected technofascist oligarchs.
Muskshirts come in several categories all of which can be sub divided into "subordinates" and "NPC's" - non player characters
Subordinates work under the instruction of Musk in government or under instruction in his corporations like Tesla, SpaceX and XTwitter. Given Musk's open declarations of fascist intent all employees of his companies and DOGE can reasonably be labelled Muskshirts.
NPC's is taken from the derogatory comments of Musk towards those he considers inferior (everyone) and not useful to him (almost everyone) and refers to the term used in gaming for programmed characters, cannon fodder etc, and indicates his contempt for all humanity not blessed to be directly acting under his instruction in his malignant, solipsistic, messiah complex view of the world. Musk is happy to ruthlessly exploit his popularity with his NPC followers, particularly on XTwitter and totally enjoys a good arse tonguing from them but ultimately they are meaningless, expendable, meritless and a waste of air to him.
Muskshirt 1 devotion to Elon is now so extreme that if he was posting ads for concentration camp guards they would be queuing around the block.
A scale used to measure the attractiveness of women with 1 being the lowest or ugly as all get out and 10 being the highest or beautiful
On a female attractiveness scale (1-10) Megan fox is a complete 10 and their nappy headed crack ho looking thing on the corner is a 1 and that girl that ain't ugly or pretty just plain is a five
#1 Joseph simp is the best cousin of 2021, also did you know she had not one, but TWO badges for the character photographer also known as Joseph in the asymmetrical horror game 1v4 identity v also known as identity 5 (idv) 😟
me: omg look it’s #1 Joseph simp!!!
gojo: who tf is that⁉️
me: someone that likes you ofc 😋
(Imagine liking gojo)
The universal calling for your girl to get her shit together and answer your call, reply to your message, or pay attention to what you are saying to her at that moment.
Breaker Breaker 1-9
Puberty 1, also known as Little Juvenescence, is a collection of behaviors exhibited in pre-teenagers (or teenagers) starting puberty. The behaviors are as follows: frustration and/or aggression towards parents, frustration and/or aggression around adults, lack of any emotion, only exhibiting happiness around friends, confusion and slight disgust of younger children, excessive dirty mindedness, obscene jokes, and tendency to get overemotional. These behaviors are very commonly found in pubescent males, but can also be examined in females.
“Shane was appalled at the little kids around us while he was hanging out with me!”
“Becky… it’s probably the Puberty 1 he’s going through.”
Here's the refutation to the most recent one:
Hym "No, I am event 1 in a causal chain that lead directly to a byproduct and, therefore, have a non-0 contribution that deserves to be both recognized and compensated."
referring to my one and only love in the entire U-niverse. (Wanna know who? Read the capital letter.)
In my heart is home to just 1 person— U, My Greatest Love. I love you my one and only girlfriend (soon to be wife).