Source Code

Valeria the green gun one

Valeria is a girl who has coochie lice. she finds herself snacking on it, most of the day. at school everyone knows her as the girl with coochie lice. only some really know the story of how she got coochie lice but that's a secret I'll never tell.. xoxo, pp

"did you hear that Valeria the green gun one has coochie lice?" - pp and tortillito

by THE pp ;) January 10, 2020

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Green-eyed hater

A person who hates on something, who is not jealous of what they are hating on.

However, the fans of what they are hating on will always come back at them with the "you're just jealous" line
which is a very irritating comeback, because what do you say to such a retarded statement?

this is often seen on youtube for music videos for 'artists' who aren't actually talented, or random youtubers who have gained many sheep-like followers, all whom feel the need to raise their idol up above them like a god, and protect them like Golem protects his precious.

green-eyed hater: "Omg, the millionaires music freaking sucks, what is this garbage? their voices are so annoying."

other random youtuber: "NO! they're pretty, and talented, and you're just jealous that while you suffer from your meaningless life, they're going to be living it up on mtv laughing at you! you must not have a life if you look for their videos just to hate -rant-"

green-eyed hater: "Yes, i don't have a life because i took 5 seconds to type that comment, and I'm jealous of talentless whores, and...nevermind what's the point."

by JelloLove November 27, 2010

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Is Gumby green? Is Pokey pink?

What you say when someone asks you something with a really obvious answer.

Campos: "Those mozzarella sticks are callin my name. Should we cruise past Jack in the Box on the way home??"

Campos Jr. "Is Gumby green? Is Pokey pink?"

by campos laney jones March 19, 2009

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green christmas tree

a crazy type of weed.
but it only works when you have gone through the process of puberty, otherwise you will just get a little buzz.

i smoked some green christmas tree this weekend and got SO fucked up i saw so much shit!

by johnaaaa May 6, 2007

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A Riker’s Island green cup experience

A Riker’s Island green cup experience — A short prison experience designed to make a weak co-conspirator flip on his bosses and “rat up” — meaning inform our co-conspirators higher in authority and more deeply imbedded in the organization under investigation.

Tennis great Boris Becker just finished two years in prison and he said: “ It’s a different lifestyle; it’s a different world…The only currency you have is your character and your personality — literally — and you better make friends with the strong boys because you need protection , you need a group of people to look out for you”

To which I say: YIKES!!!!!!!!

If you are weak A Riker’s Island green cup experience will not only make you flip; it will also make you a gold medal winning judicial gymnast!!!!!!!!

A Riker’s Island green cup experience may have caused Allen Weisselberg to flip on Donald Trump. Four months is a real jail in theory is short time. As an actual experience, and facing more charges it’s actually unthinkable. Flip hell!!! Allen Weisselberg probably not only flipped; but is now also probably a gold medal judicial gymnast!!!!!

by Mind Hunter the Profiler March 30, 2023

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Also known as a greenie, green-e's are meanies, but cute and lovable. Their favorite color is obviously green and they are known to be hiding in Australia. Often enough green-e's swear like brown-e's but worse. If you meet one the Australian government (health office) recommends running as fast as you can.

Omg! Is that a green-e? .... *swoosh-bang* (thats the sound of running like a lightning)

by Stan_Hawaii April 12, 2006

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Bowling Green State University

A poor and pathetic excuse for a college. A far better choice would be the one up the road, the University of Toledo. It is rumored that every student at BG either has an STD, is pregnant, or both. Their school colors are puke orange and crap brown. The mascot, which also happens to be the most annoying mascot in the MAC, is a falcon and could literally be blown to smithereens by Toledo's mascot.

"The Bowling Green State University Christmas pageant has been cancelled for this year due to casting problems. After an extensive search of the area, directors were unable to locate three wise men and a virgin."


"It is 1:28 pm, and BG still sucks."

by BGSUcks August 11, 2008

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