To obtain extra luck by adding an extra item or 'gibbon' to what you already have.
This phrase comes from Southern China, where the nobel gibbons where seen as "the gentlemen of the forest". These gibbons were collected by wealthy lords and it was common for a lord to add an extra gibbon to his collection to bring enhanced good fortune.
In modern times it has become a phrase used simply to justify overindulging. This phrase is now used less in China and more in Malaysia, Thailand and Sumatra where gibbons still thrive in the wild.
Jonty: Do you really need to take 8 pens into your exam?
Laurence: Well you know what they say, an extra gibbon for good luck.
20π 4π
The most memorable song from Office Space, and a good example of when rap can actually be good.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A Gangsta has a kicking awesome beat that I like to get down to when I am chilling with all my niggers at the country club.
165π 47π
a drawn out, multiple time given good-bye, intersected with stories, financial situatons, gossip, jokes, sentimental sweet nothings (depending on said company), and football or stock car speculations. so called for the American Southerners' likeable propensity for conversation and verbal virtuosity. it is a just another cultural moray on the continuum best explaned by the sentiment: "why use one word when a thousand will do?".
Southern woman:"i'll miss you. call me when you get there. drive safe"
Southern man: "i'll miss you too. don't worry i'll call. well i guess i'll see you when i see you"
10 minute conversation
Southern man: "well i'm burning daylight"
Southern woman: "yeah, i'm sorry you need to get moving"
20 minute conversation
Southern woman: "take care now. i need to clean this place up."
Southern man: "i got a long drive ahead of me"
15 minute conversation
Southern man: " what time is it ?" good lord it's 8:30!"
Southern woman": i know. well enough of these south carolina good-byes, i've got to get fixin' breakfast for the children."
34π 7π
Another way of saying, "I wan't to have sex with that/you." This is typically used in tenor gifs and spammed all over Discord.
Oh my goodness gracious, that pear has a buttcrack, lemme stick my penis in it.
38π 9π
ride wife
life good
wife fight back
kill wife
wife gone
think about wife
23π 4π
A disease that is prevalent in good looking women as a result of getting used to men doing things for them. The disease makes them lazy, gives them a sense of always expecting guys to do things for them, and a sense of knowing they can get away with inappropriate behavior. The disease also causes them to act inconsiderate to men since they know they can get away with it because of their looks.
Every girl at work spends one hour every Friday afternoon to write up their weekly report except Lisa. Any of the guys at work are glad to do it for her since she is so good looking. She know she will never have to write the report because she has Good Looking Woman Disease.
Jodi, who has Good Looking Woman Disease, got an A on the group project although she didn't do any of the work. Tom, Brian, and Tim asked her to be in their group because she is good looking and they did her share of the work.
Tammy was 30 minutes late for her date. She has Good Looking Woman disease and does not respect people's time.
57π 15π
when a zoo keeper scoops the monkey poop stews it for breakfast.
bitch get in there and make me some good brown gravy!
4π 17π