A tough & impressive mother. A mother that doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks of her. She puts her children first & teaches them everything she was never taught. She stands up for what she believes in, even if she's standing alone. She’s the one you can go to about anything but she’ll call you out on your bullshit. She won’t let you quit when things get tough. She walks with strength and dignity. She's feisty, fierce & people off but she's full of love & life. Don't get on her bad side & don't fuck with the ones she loves.
Hey girl, you’re one bad ass mama! 🖤
Being a total badass and looking fabulous at the same time.
"Milla Jovovich in Resident Evil is so Bad Fab"
"Girl that dress makes you so Bad Fab tonight!"
"My black stilettos make me feel so Bad Fab"
My baby , my baddie , my baby girl
I got me a bad bizzle . That's my bad bizzle standing right there
It is the time after Bruce Jenner tries to transform his Bad Switcheroo to a scary switcheroo through plastic surgery. Once he has completed the process he will then look for a boyfriend and try to get married. As he searches all the men in fear of still bad switcheroo.
Bruce Jenner is out there looking for a boyfriend. He still has a bad switcheroo.
It is a male that got a sex change but still looks and talks like a guy. He proceeds to get out on the dating scene looking for a boyfriend.
I think that girl that was hitting on you has a bad switcheroo.
A Cthulhu weird boyo that goes hey that's my line in at least once a day.
hey that bad time tim guy is wowzers
Mjönir, the Beetle of Metal
"The BIG BAD BEETLE BORG BOYO is coming for your snacks."